The U.S. Navy has had a terrible accident. One of the most advanced destroyers of the fleet collided with a container ship flying the Filipino flag. The warship which has the most advanced navigation and radar system failed to avoid being hit by a Container Ship displacing nearly 30,000 tons.

The container ship suffered little damage but the destroyer lost seven seamen. In addition, the captain of the ship was seriously injured and had to be evacuated by helicopter along with one other sailor to the mainland.

The loss of seven sailors comes close on the heels of the loss of two other sailors who were lost during exercises in the Sea Of Japan and the Caribbean.

Such losses during peacetime are unacceptable for any Navy.

An inquiry has been ordered but it will be small consolation to the relatives of the seven sailors who were swept away during the collision. After the accident, the warship continued under its own power to the mainland. This news was confirmed by CNN International.

ABC Net has reported, "Rescuers were searching for the seven sailors who were thought to have been thrown into the sea or possibly trapped inside damaged sections of the destroyer, Japanese coast guard spokesman Yoshihito Nakamura said."

USS Fitzgerald collides

The United States Navy is a global force and operates in all the seven seas. The Navy is overstretched but there is no excuse for a lack of a professional approach.

The destroyer USS Fitzgerald collided with the container ship about 56 nautical miles from Yokosuka on the Japanese coast.

The accident took place at 2:30 a.m and is cause for concern. The Sea of Japan and the waters of the Eastern Pacific are extremely busy with ships of many nations ferrying cargo and oil. Prima facie the accident is difficult to explain.

Loss of warship

The warship will now enter drydock and will be lost to the Navy for at least a couple of months. The Navy will do well to look into their internal training programs. Loss of seven seamen cannot be brushed away. Peacetime casualties lower the morale of the rank and file. The fact that the warship was one of the most modern in the U.S.

fleet adds to the mystery of the collision.

The chief of US Navy operations Adm John Richardson released a statement on social media: "As more information is learned we will be sure to share it with the Fitzgerald families and when appropriate with the public. All our thoughts and concerns are with the Fitzgerald crew and their families."