While the rest of the United States and the mainstream media were focused on the Comey hearings on Thursday, June 8th Donald Trump gave the opening address at the 2017 Road to the Majority Conference. Hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, the event was both a religious conference and the lead in for the national fundraising campaign to get more Conservatives elected in 2018. The President addressed a crowd of approximately 1500 religious leaders and people of faith that were in attendance during the three-day event. Trump began by thanking the Coalition's leader Ralph Reed for 'not letting him down'.
Other Conservatives who gave speeches during the three-day event included Tea Party Patriot Senator Ted Cruz and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. A complete list of speakers was listed on the 2017 Road to the Majority website.
Trump touted achievements on behalf of Christians
Trump reminded attendees that he had kept his promises to Evangelical Christians by putting Conservative Neil Gorsuch on the bench of the U.S. Supreme Court, withdrawing from the Paris Accord, and taking the first steps towards permanently protecting the unborn. Trump also pointed out that "obstructionist" Senate Democrats who tried to block the Gorsuch nomination, failed to do so. Time noted that Trump never mentioned the three Democrats who supported Gorsuch.
Senate Leader Mitch McConnell reiterated that message on Friday, adding that Trump will fill every vacancy on the federal bench with Conservatives and impact U.S. Law “far beyond his tenure” according to Right Wing Watch.
The President received a standing ovation after speaking about reinstating the Mexico City policy put into place by Ronald Reagan to protect the unborn and the executive order to protect religious liberty on the National Day of Prayer.
By overturning the Johnson Amendment churches, religious groups, and leaders can now get directly involved in raising money to nominate candidates and help elect those who reflect Christian values. The president added that the executive order also directs the IRS to stop targeting churches and religious organizations for political speech which he had vowed to do during the 2016 Road to Majority Conference.
Trump hints at what his education policy might entail
As cited in White House Press transcripts of the President's 2017 Road to Majority speech, Trump stated that "American children have the right to know and understand the blessings of God and that schools should welcome and embrace faith and religion". Trump added that changing the face of education will also be another step towards ending discrimination against people of faith. Trump admitted that he filled his Cabinet with people like Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who share their Conservative values and priorities, Trump promised that under his guidance, his administration would continue to deliver.on his promises.
Trump encouraged religious Fundamentalists to elect more Conservatives in 2018
During the President's closing remarks to the crowded room, he stated that it is urgent to get more Conservative Republicans elected in the 2018 midterm elections so they can stop Democrats who are continuing to hold faith and American values hostage. Trump added that Conservatives only hold a three-seat majority in the U.S. Senate and a 'pretty small majority' in the U.S. Congress. Ted Cruz followed Donald Trump's speech by listing the remaining priorities Trump and Conservatives will be working on this yea. Those priorities are repealing Obamacare, tax reform and finalizing regulatory reform.