Recent reporting indicates that George Faught, a Republican politician, is defending pro-life bill HB1549 in Oklahoma that defends Rape and incest in the name of God. The bill was recently revised to include details regarding specifications for genetic abnormalities. So far, it appears as if the decisions are being made by male government officials.

During conversation surrounding the bill’s revisions, a fellow official asked Mr. Faught if he thought incest or rape were grounds for legally terminating a pregnancy. Mr. Faught stated, “Well, you know, if you read the Bible, there’s actually a couple circumstances where that happened, the Lord uses all circumstances.

I mean, you can go down that path, but it’s a reality unfortunately.” He proclaimed that God can use any situation in someone’s life for the better.

The bible, rape, and incest

One source indicates that, “All throughout the Bible we read many stories that proves God’s approval of rape and incest. Not only does God approve rape and incest, there are times when God actually had women raped.” The story of Lot details an attempt to preserve the lineage involving alcohol, rape, and violence.

Furthermore, several instances condone killing rape victims for not screaming if they are being raped, or being stoned to death for being a virgin and being raped. Several religious scholars link with mainstream Christianity and the perpetuation of violence; however, the objectification of women and rampant instances of rape and murder are present in various religious institutions.

Religious ideologies are often an influence on our government, especially judiciary institutions. Reportedly, survivors of incest or rape are often forced to share custody with their rapist and very rarely are the perpetrators held accountable via the judiciary process. The implications of removing access to pregnancy terminations is problematic and multi-faceted, including issues such as poverty, lack of resources, and homelessness.

Poverty and access to reproductive services

Multiple attempts to ban #abortion at the state level are part of continuing efforts to restrict women’s choices in regard to their own health and personal situations. Planned Parenthood explains that, “Laws like The Hyde Amendment withhold federal Medicaid funding from abortion nationwide, with extremely narrow exceptions.

It's an intrusive and unfair restriction on insurance coverage for millions of low-income women and their families.”

Overall, bans that restrict access to abortion hurt women's health and limit their access to safe choices. Limiting women’s choices often perpetuates families into poverty as well, where the state simultaneously denies women and children adequate access to government assistance for food and childcare.

The best solution to decrease the amount of unwanted pregnancies is to begin providing progressive sex education to children and adults, as well as to provide more affordable options and access to birth control.