In a new YouTube-hosted video, The Young Turks featured comedian Amy Schumer's new Netflix show, "The Leather Special," and efforts by "the alt-right" to attack everything the comedian does. Hannah Cranston, with TYT, noted that the special has already garnered over 2,000 mostly one-star ratings, which MovieWeb speculates may be behind the site's change to a thumbs-up, thumbs-down system, replacing its old five-star rating system. Schumer claims that the alt-right meet in subreddits, organizing their plans against her.
Ms. Cranston then examined instructions left in a subreddit encouraging members to visit Netflix and give "The Leather Special" a one-star rating.
The TYT host read a Netflix comment, calling Schumer an "ignorant, whining baby," which Brett Erlich, also with TYT, suggested was actually President Donald Trump. The commentator also stated that they would never watch any move ever produced by Amy Schumer. Cranston found absurdity with comments on films from people who refuse to watch them. "You don't get to rate it unless you've watched it," Hannah Cranston stated her view.
Hannah Cranston calls Amy Schumer 'empowering'
Mr. Erlich imagined a member of the alt-right with some level of integrity, deciding to actually watch "The Leather Special" before giving it a one-star rating, and then catching themselves laughing. Cranston held up Schumer as "an empowering voice for women," and beginning a conversation that might otherwise not take place, and some women are "told they can't have." Francis Maxwell, with TYT, questioned Amy Schumer's motivation and held out the possibility that she could be attempting to put up a smoke screen to explain bad ratings.
Erlich agreed that it was possible that Schumer could be attempting to cover for her ratings, and then moved to the one-star rating of "Friends" on Netflix. Mr. Maxwell stated that "someone should go to jail" for their part in such an act. Erlich noted that, despite her detractors, Amy Schumer appears to be "dong great."
Alt-right appears to target TYT video
Hannah Cranston expressed a belief that Schumer was doing the right thing by "calling out" the alt-right trolls, cited the recent change by Netflix to a thumbs system, and commented on the observation of some on the seeming connection to Schumer.
Ms. Cranston expressed that such a change might not fix the problem being encountered. She noted that videos about gender equality almost universally receive many more down votes than up votes. In fact, the YouTube TYT video hosting the story has received 3,915 down votes, compared with only 1,695 up votes, a sign that Amy Schumer's alt-right detractors may have taken notice of the TYT video, as well.