Gavin Schmidt, the director of NASA’s GISS, told the Guardian the Earth was warming at a rate not seen in the last 1,000 years, days before President Obama is expected to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement. Schmidt said the average global temperature for the ‘twenty-first century is 1.38 degrees Celsius higher than the nineteenth-century average.’ His dire predictions also come less than a week before the G-20 Summit convenes on September 4, where global warming will get some renewed attention.

As noted before, there has been a well-documented pause in warming from 1998 to 2015, bookended by two strong, naturally occurring El Ninos that raised temperatures worldwide.

Already temperatures are drifting back to normal despite Schmidt’s so-called concern for runaway global warming. The 1930s is still the reigning champ of highest temperatures ever recorded, long before carbon dioxide (CO2) levels started increasing.

Observed science versus wishful thinking

Even the leftwing Guardian admitted that relying on temperatures from proxy data (by using ice cores, marine sediments, and rocks) were not an exact science, but exact enough to say that temperatures have been rising “ten times faster” than prior warming rates or more than in the last 1,000 years.

Extrapolating further out generated a rate “at least 20 times faster” over the next 100 years. Sounds dire and catastrophic, which may be the point.

Analysis by Tony Heller at the website Real Climate Science showed the 1930s was by far the hottest decade in U.S. history, with every state broiling during that decade. As for 2016, there wasn’t a single state that was “abnormally hot” when compared to the historical record.

Heller based his work on actual observed temperature data. Schmidt, however, based his estimations on reconstructed proxy data and altered datasets supplied by NOAA. In both cases, they magically whisked away the well-documented Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age (both occurred in the last 1,000 years).

As for the instrumental record, peer-reviewed studies have shown how NOAA and NASA have systematically altered the observed temperature data of the 1900s to make the present look much warmer.

Schmidt even reiterated his prediction that he is 99 percent sure that 2016 will be the warmest year ever, despite all evidence showing it’s nowhere near the highs of the 1930s. In NASA’s climate science, you can say (or tweet) anything you want because upper management supports your activism.

Taking the Space out of NASA

If you’re wondering why National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is spending so much time on the climate (and Twitter), look no further than the Obama administration. After taking office, Obama made dramatic changes to much of our space program.

He cut Mars’ exploration funding, shut down the shuttle program, and shunted more taxpayer dollars into global warming research. In fact, Obama’s last budget proposal had NASA spending more money on climate research than the agency’s stated mission of exploring space.

When expert meteorologist Joe Bastardilooked at the August global temperatures, he said that based on the actual data, this past summer has not been unusually warm in the U.S. or in third-world countries.

He also scoffed at unsupportable claims that you can actually detect a .02 degree Celsius warming increase per decade or that it would have any negligible impact.

He also said that Arctic sea ice extent would not reach a new record low this year, despite claims in the Guardian it would happen this year. How can Bastardi's claims be so divergent from NASA's? Bastardi isn't beholden to a higher power: Obama.