International Yoga Day was first celebrated in 2015, although yoga has been around for over 5,000 years and dates back to the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India. Yoga has many health benefits, some of which include improved flexibility, increased muscle strength, better posture and bone health, increased blood flow, boosted immunity, lower blood sugar, improved focus, and so much more. Yoga has both physical and mental benefits for those who practice it.
More about this day
June 21St is a great day to try out yoga for yourself if you have never done so before.
The celebration of this international holiday is widespread, with events taking place from Tengzhou City in east China's Shandong Province to mass sessions in New Dehli. People participated in a celebration that took place in Kathmandu -- gathering in the rain and doing yoga while holding umbrellas. Thousands in London gathered in Trafalgar Square to celebrate, while some people in Zimbabwe practiced with a few others against the sunset.
The United States has participated in the celebration as well, with celebrations occurring in in Austin, Texas, Washington D.C., Buffalo, New York, New York City, New York, Boston, Massachusetts, Los Angeles, California, Piscataway, New Jersey, Charleston, South Carolina, Miami, Florida, Whitefish, Montana, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and many more locations.
Craft Beer and Yoga
Sarasota, Florida is having a Craft Beer and Yoga event in honor of International Yoga Day hosted by Lululemon Athletica. This is a new yoga trend where classes are held in craft breweries. This has brought more people into it, from very experienced yogis to newbies, with the thought of beer luring more people in.
The trade-off has been positive, as more people attend yoga and more people are exposed to local breweries. This is not something special just for International Yoga Day, however, and these kinds of classes have popped up all over the United States.
Similarly, Yoga Wine classes have been sprouting up across the U.S. as well.
This has especially taken hold in San Diego, where both yoga and wine are a big part of people's lives. The idea for this type of class stemmed from the Beer and Yoga classes spreading across the country. San Diego was already a host for hot, beach, and cat yoga, along with so much more, so wine yoga fit right in. The class in San Diego is dubbed "Vino Vinyasa" at the Wine Pub, and includes an hour-long class and a drink ticket for $20.
This International Yoga Day get involved in your community and find a yoga class near you. There are many types of classes that are sure to please, and the benefits are numerous.