Hey Blasters!

This article is going to feature the importance of creating viral content. Since this is the first 'how to' article of many, it is going to be a beginners overview. In the future weeks, we will go into depth about each of the sections discussed below since there is a bunch of information!

Viral Content

There are a ton of benefits to creating viral content. When we say ‘viral content', we are talking about content that appeals to the masses.

We are referring to the content that is shared all over your newsfeed regardless of gender, sex, and age. When you’re creating an article on Blasting News and want it to appeal to a large audience, you have to think about the content you've seen that has become an online sensation. A lot of the times that content incorporates memes or includes photos/videos. You should always incorporate eye catching visuals within your articles so they have the potential to be shared to a large audience.

I am sure you have received ‘viral type content’ sent to you from friends/family via iMessage, Email or through social media outlets.

A lot of this content might overlap in the similarities.

Next time you think about writing 'viral content' try to implement the tips below...

Tip 1: Find content that triggers specific emotions (either positive or negative)

  • The content you share should bring out emotions from readers. Make sure your content can make people feel something!
  • Believe it or not, studies have shown that positive content has more potential to go viral than negative content

Tip 2: Include visuals of every kind. The more visuals, the better.

  • Find the best visuals to make your articles aesthetically pleasing.

Tip 3: Use Buzzsumo for topic inspiration and social tips

Buzzsumo is great! It analyzes what content performs the best for any topic and against its competitors.

This is super important to see how your topic is performing on a social scale and the engagement. All blasters should try to utilize this website when writing and sharing. Please look at the image below to see how find trending topics.

As you can see from the image above, you can...

  • Simply type in your topic in the search bar of the site
  • Filter the topic by date- see when your topic was widely written about
  • Check out the social engagement levels of your competitors (the picture shows the engagements on social accounts that came from the topic Cavaliers). This will be helpful for writing content that is engaging and unique compared to what is already written about
  • Use Buzzsumo to help create titles in comparison to what your competitors are titling their articles

Tip 4: Use Google Trends for SEO optimization

Google trends is another useful tool for writing viral content. On Google Trends you see the breakdown of the interest level based on country, related topics, and related queries. This can be super beneficial when choosing titles as well. Keep in mind, the results shown are specifically how that topic has been typed into Google search bar, so be mindful of this when creating your title for SEO purposes.

  • The picture above shows you how that topic was typed into Google. For SEO purposes be sure to look at the related queries when wording your own title
  • Look at the times of when the topic was searched so you know how relevant your topic is
  • Look at the cities that have searched your topic so you can see for traffic purposes

Tip 5: Boost your posts on Facebook

Examples of recent Blasting News viral articles

Hope this helps you better understand how to pick and write content intended for the masses.

Please email us@blastingnews.com if you have any further inquiries.

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