Debuting in 2014, "The Flash" likely got off to the best start of any part of the DCTV franchise on The CW, including winning a People's Choice Award for Favorite New TV Drama. It was the second major television series based on the iconic superhero. This might seem like a lifetime ago, as more recently "The Flash" has been in the midst of an almost eye-watering rating plummet, and a quick Internet search would likely lead you to a throng of angry fans. Reasons for the change of fortunes for "The Flash" are many, but they include five main points.
The chemistry of the cast has been ruined
In the beginning, 'Team Flash' was made up of a core group of three. Fans quickly came to love the trio's dynamic. But as time has gone on, more characters would come to know the titular hero's identity and be given a more prominent role on the team. This was whether were already established regulars or newly-introduced, such as a polarizing portrayal of the Elongated Man. As a result, the beloved trio hasn't interacted much at all recently.
They're trying too hard with the humor
After it became clear that people were turning away in droves during the 2016-17 season, some theorized that it was because it featured a darker tone than the previous seasons.
In response, the writers have gone out of their way to make the newer episodes more light-hearted. But where the humor was previously natural and easy, the newer comedy tends to be forced and awkward.
Barry Allen and Iris West are no longer likable as people
Barry Allen, the superhero's alter ego played by Grant Gustin, was very popular at the onset of "The Flash." But as time has gone on, he has become arrogant, selfish, dismissive, and the list could go on.
Likewise, Iris West, portrayed by Candice Patton, started off well enough. But her over-inflated ego has turned fans off. Even more infuriating, is that she has become the so-called leader of the team. The idea that you don't need a scientific degree to do great things is lovely and true. But repeatedly watching a group of highly-intelligent individuals with top-level educations get baffled by the problems of the week, only for a former barista-turned-reporter with no formal scientific training to come up with a genius idea to save the day, is ridiculous.
Barry and Iris are not likable as a couple
Fans of DC Comics are probably well-aware that Barry and Iris got married. However, the storyline of "The Flash" includes Barry moving in with Iris and her father, Joe, as a young child. They were essentially raised together as brother and sister. It's probably easy to see the discomfort from there on. It seemed to be that the writers also saw it when they introduced a plot that featured Joe, played by Jesse L. Martin, understandably struggling with seeing his children in a romantic relationship.
The romantic chemistry between Gustin and Patton is also decidedly lacking. The writers also seemed to notice this when their non-existent chemistry became a focal point.
Furthermore, it's difficult to believe the revelation that Iris was in love with Barry for years when she spent much of the time early on repeatedly choosing another man. Additionally, in an episode that explored what would've been if Barry never moved in her with her and Joe, it turned out that they went their separate ways as children and that she barely remembered him by adulthood.
There is a faction of fans causing hostility
The CW and many of its shows have claimed that they promote an atmosphere of diversity and tolerance for different viewpoints, drawing respect and rancor from conservatives and liberals alike.
A portion of the fanbase seems to feel that people don't like Iris because they don't like women, even though many, if not most of those who don't like her, are women.
They also believe that people who dislike Barry and Iris as a couple only do so because they're opposed to interracial relationships. This refers to the version of the Wests on "The Flash" who are African American. But many people who don't like the couple are of an ethnic background other than white. Directing most of their vitriol at fans who openly prefer Barry to be with Danielle Panabaker's Caitlin Snow, the disapproving portion of the fanbase' harassment has included wishing bodily harm on those who disagree with them. And they cry foul if any of their victims stand up to them.
Perhaps an indicator of a larger societal problem, these bullies seem eager to ascribe imagined motives of racism and misogyny to many people, rather than accept the simple truth that someone of any gender or race can be annoying.
And by ignoring the problem and giving them what they want in the plot, those in the writers' room of "The Flash" and in the boardrooms of The CW, DC Entertainment, and Warner Brothers are rewarding and emboldening this behavior.
Given the reputation they have tried to build, it makes them look weak, pathetic, and hypocritical.