In April, after the Trump administration had fired 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase, almost immediately, there was a public debate in the media about whether the President had acted illegally. Critics said that he should have gotten approval from Congress to conduct the strikes, especially because they were conducted against another government. However, as Blasting News described in one article about the argument, that kind of action is still not considered illegal because there is no actual legislation or a legislative body to enforce it.
Such is the case with the federal government's requirements to force Trump's former campaign manager Paul Manafort to register as a Foreign Agent.
Manafort has been 'registering' as foreign agent for a while
Back in April when it was reported that Paul Manafort was still a person of interest in the ongoing investigation on the Trump campaign, there were reports which said that Manafort would register himself as a foreign agent. Manafort himself had apparently told the Associated Press that he would and Chad Day of the AP was interviewed on Fox News where he provided more details. He talked about a ledger which apparently detailed millions of dollars Manafort made when he was an advisor to the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.
Here is that interview.
As mentioned in the segment, Paul Manafort apparently should have registered as a foreign agent before getting involved in the Trump campaign. And even though the reports then said that he would, Manafort still hasn't done so. Blasting News also detailed the controversy that took place last year while with the Trump campaign regarding amendments being written during a Republican National Committee (RNC) meeting which puts his involvement in context.
In yet another Blasting News article, the investigation of the Trump administration that is being conducted by former FBI Director and a special prosecutor has expanded into a new criminal probe that seems to target Manafort.
FARA not being enforced
Chris Cillizza of CNN transcribed a brief interview with Evan Perez who is a Justice Department correspondent for the media outlet where they say that making Manafort register is not enforced under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
This can also be compared with Gen. Michael Flynn who failed to disclose foreign payments which triggered another investigation by the Pentagon against Flynn. Michael Flynn was forced to resign from the Trump administration for not disclosing conversations he had with Russian officials. Unless Mueller's investigation feels that Paul Manafort's registration is important, it is unknown if it will be an issue.