President #Donald Trump has constantly used Twitter for his messages as it is a particularly powerful tool for transmitting the slogans and mottos that formed the basis of his successful presidential campaign. Twitter is a useful tool, but like all tools it is only effective for its assigned purposes and one of these is certainly not legal debate.

Tweets for every occasion

President Trump cannot resist making comments on any subject that draws his attention. These subjects have been other politicians, television programmes, personalities that have either drawn his ire or admiration and even football games.

Since taking office tweets have also involved the leaders of other countries such as Mexico and Australia, to name only two and any criticism or protests against actions he has taken since taking office.

These tweets have both delighted his diehard fans and dismayed those who disapprove of his tactics or agenda. Both these reactions are appropriate within the freedom of expression contained within the American Constitution, but there are circumstances where tweets are not suitable and the President in now embroiled in one of them.

Respect and complicated arguments

The use of Twitter by the President to comment legal developments is inappropriate and the current court challenges against his executive order banning Moslem migration from seven countries cannot and must not be subject to comments with messages of 140 characters.

Legal battles are not simple exchanges of quick slogans and quips, but complicated, often detailed references to precedents and laws that can require volumes to explain, particularly when the basis of the challenges are rights and duties enshrined in the Constitution. Quick, spur of the moment tweets are not legal argument, but simply personal comments and reactions, even if the author is the President of the United States.

Every Office deserves respect and such reactions and comments are certainly not respectful for the Supreme Court justices who are sworn to defend and uphold the Constitution, just as they are also disrespectful of the Office of the President itself.

Waiting in silence

Challenging the suspension of the order is appropriate for the White House and the Justice Department lawyers are carrying out their duties on these matters.

This period should be one where legal argument and law take centre stage and distractions will do nothing to hasten the process or to find a favourable outcome for the President.

As the country as a whole awaits these outcomes President Trump should set the example and keep silence on the issues under discussion. This may run against his natural tendencies, but at stake is the Constitution he swore to respect in his Oath of Office and the issues under discussion are part of the country’s Magna Carta.

For these reasons the arbiters of the Constitution represented by the Judges must be treated with respect because they represent the very essence of American democracy. Disrespect for them is disrespect to the country itself and sending quick disparaging tweets is certainly not a sign of such respect.