Sam John of the ohio state university Wexner Medical Center claims that gender of fetus affects a woman’s immunity during pregnancy. It means fetal sex plays a significant role in the Immune Responses of Pregnant Women. Previously, scientists conducted an experiment on 80 pregnant women across the country. They examined their blood and urine samples and observed that women exhibit different levels of immunity markers called cytokines based on fetal sex.

Baby’s sex could cause health problems

Scientists say that women complain about numerous complications during pregnancy.

A baby’s sex could play a significant role in why some pregnant ladies report differences with morning sickness, cravings and other symptoms. The results have been published in the February issue of the journal “Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.” It reveals that the sex of a baby is linked to a woman’s immune responses. Experts reveal that pregnant women with a female fetus have stronger immunity than women with a male fetus. With a female fetus, our body produces more pro-inflammatory cytokines when exposed to microbes. It means a woman carrying female fetus exhibit better immune responses than a woman carrying a male fetus.

Excessive inflammation in the body

Another team of experts proves that excessive inflammation in the body is bad for health.

Amanda Mitchell of the Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research claims that inflammation plays a vital role in the immune responses. Excessive inflammation is harmful to health and contributes to sickness-related symptoms including fatigue. Also, it causes medical conditions like asthma and diarrhea. Amanda says that inflammation is directly linked to a pregnant woman’s fetus.

If she is carrying a female fetus, she will not suffer from inflammation. But if she is carrying a male fetus, she would suffer from the excessive inflammation. Mitchell needs more time and research to prove if maternal inflammation affects the timing of birth or not. Amanda will publish the results in a few months.