"General Hospital," is intensifying the drama leading to the final showdown between Shiloh and Drew. Billy Miller's character will be leaving Port Charles soon and the countdown has begun for the cult leader to be dealt with. The Fawn of Day guru is losing it and even went so far as to kidnap Sam, and later Cameron Weber. On Wednesday he said he did not care if attempting to install Drew's memories in the teen caused him to die. Nothing has been revealed yet as to exactly how Andrew Cane's storyline will be wrapped up but there are only two weeks left until his final episode on August 23.
Viewers should brace themselves because rumors indicate things are about to become pretty complicated.
Billy Miller's exit from 'GH' brings questions
Celeb Dirty Laundry confirms that a soap Opera Digest article states that Billy Miller's last airdate on "General Hospital" will be August 23. This indicates that his storyline needs to be wrapped up in a two-week time span. Soap Dirt rumors suggest that there may be more trouble with Cameron, who Shiloh wanted to use as a guinea pig. Rumors say that Franco will likely substitute himself for his stepson and that Drew's memories will be implanted in him. There is always the chance that Curtis and Drew will get to him in time and stop Shiloh in his tracks.
Celeb Dirty Laundry gives a possible scenario of both Drew and Shiloh ending up dead, but that's highly unlikely. Billy Miller has said he would be open for his character to return to Port Charles which implies Drew will not die. On Monday and Tuesday Kim said that she would eventually be leaving town and told Julian she wanted him to go with her.
The more likely scenario would be for Oscar's parents to move away together and or at the same time. There is also the fact that Julian needs to account for his role in keeping Brad's secret. If Mr. Jerome moved away Julexis fans would feel cheated out of the steamy reunion with Alexis they have been anticipating.
'GH' viewers desire proper closure with Drew
Dominic Zampragna's exit from "General Hospital" has taken months and still is not finalized. Viewers would be upset if the same thing happened with Drew. The writers need to respect loyal fans and give the character proper closure. Shiloh, who preaches peace and conflict resolution has a gun with him, so somebody more than likely is going to be shot. It's possible Drew or Franco may wound or kill the cult leader with his own weapon.
Andrew Cane might possibly recall his past on his own and remember his love for Kim. This could be a reason he decides to leave Port Charles with her. They could have a happy ending, or if Drew is killed, Kim will leave town alone, It would be cruel to have Dr. Nero lose both her son and his father, but you never know what the writers are thinking. Be sure to tune in on August 23 to find out what happens on Billy Miller's final episode.