“The Bold and the Beautiful” spoilers had been suggesting that Adain Bradley’s character might die this summer. Emma ended up being the sacrificial lamb because she found out about the baby switch but Xander was still on the radar. This is why a recent tweet from Bradley upset his fans who thought he was confirming he was let go from the CBS daytime drama: The actor has confirmed on social media that he is still employed but no one knows what the future holds for Maya’s cousin. Thomas is still running amuck and Zoe’s ex is determined to reveal the truth, which is supposed to come to light during November Sweeps.
Adain Bradley reassures fans
Xander has grown on “B&B” viewers during his time on the show and the news that he might die troubled his fans. Thomas killing the Avant’s nephew seemed a logical storyline related necessity. When Emma died viewers thought Xander was safe and that’s why Adain Bradley’s tweet was shocking. Celeb Dirty Laundry reports that the actor made a comment about waking up with no job. He later clarified that he meant he did not have to report to work on that particular day and assured his fans he was still employed.
Bradley had to know that his tweet would garner attention because of the storyline his character is involved in. Perhaps the actor purposely worded his s social media discourse that way in order to gain attention to his plight.
Earlier spoilers reported “B&B” executive producer Brad Bell as saying someone else’s might die. Through the process of elimination, Xander is the only one who knows the truth who still wants to tell Hope and Liam their daughter is alive. This means he is still on Thomas Forrester’s radar.
Adain Bradley may still be in danger
Adain Bradley should be careful about being too certain of his job because Xander could still be in danger. Earlier this spring Jadon Canela went on record saying that “Y&R” viewers should get used to the Rosales family because they were not going anywhere. When the new writing team took over Canela was the first to go.
Soaps She Knows indicates that the baby switch will be the hot topic during the next two weeks but does not mention Xander in any spoilers. Celeb Dirty Laundry points out that Xander and Zoe broke up and this may be very telling.
Julius Avant and his wife have not been seen on “B&B” in a very long time, and Maya only pops up sporadically. With Emma dead and Zoe out of his life, Xander has no connections except his job at Forrester. Even so, the character can still be developed if the writers choose. Be on the lookout for updated spoiler alerts as they become available and continue watching this CBS daytime drama each weekday afternoon. Keep up with the LA fashion world by tuning in at 1:30 PM EST.