The new trailer for the upcoming "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" shocked the entire fanbase because it was supposed to come out during the movie's panel at the New York Comic-Con tomorrow. The reports about the new trailer arriving were correct and fans were ready to witness the Legendary Super Saiyan's backstory during tomorrow's event. However, the film's newest trailer has surfaced earlier than expected.
Trailer of 'DBS: Broly'
According to Comicbook, the trailer was uploaded on Twitter by Moetron News after it appeared on Youku, a popular Chinese streaming site, similar to YouTube.
Thanks to Herms, the dialogue in the entire clip were translated from Japanese to English:
1080p trailer translated by @Herms98
— Terez (@Terez27) October 4, 2018
Streamable mirror:
Raw mirror:
There were rumors that the trailer for the movie was going to be showcased during the NYCC panel, but it managed to find its way online ahead of the panel, so it was totally unexpected. The officially subbed trailer will only be shown during tomorrow's event.
Trailer breakdown
"Dragon Ball Super: Broly" is giving depth to the Saiyan origins and the destruction of their planet. The fate of the three Saiyan babies, born at the same time, collide when the ruthless Freeza and his army arrive on their homeland.
With this trailer, we finally know that the plot of "Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child" is also canon and is adapted in this film. This bonus story in Shonen Jump was a retcon to Goku's origin, before his arrival on planet Earth, where the original "Dragon Ball" series takes place.
As surprising as it is, we also see Goku's mother Gine accompanied by Bardock when they send Goku/Kakkarot to Earth so that he can survive the destruction of their home at the hands of Freeza.
The Saiyans are forced to follow Freeza's order when their whole army arrives on the Saiyan Planet. The trailer also featured major Freeza arc villains like Zarbon and Ginyu Force.
This time, Broly is shipped off to a planet called "Banpa," though the reason for this is currently unknown. Bardock senses that Freeza is plotting something against the Saiyans, so that's why he sends Goku to Earth and tell him to "Survive, no matter what."
The overall animation and the plot of the movie look really great because the movie is completely explaining the story of the three central Saiyans rather than giving a shallow plot for a senseless fight.
The new Dragon Ball Super movie is set to be released on Dec.14 in Japan. Funimation has acquired the theatrical rights to the movie and is planning to release it in the United States and Canada on Jan. 16, 2019.