Meghan King Edmonds was one of the wives on "The Real Housewives of Orange County" who pushed to find the truth about Brooks Ayers. Meghan had a feeling that he was lying about his illness, as nothing he said made sense. Meghan pushed so hard that he eventually went to the media with medical records. However, some quick-thinking Reddit users realized that he had just taken a photo from the internet. He was caught lying about his medical records and people thought he had lied about cancer.

Without an explanation, he left "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and broke up with Vicki Gunvalson.

King Edmonds also got a handful of harsh words from him, as he didn't appreciate how she had spent so much time digging into his personal business. Now that peggy sulahian is spreading confusion about cancer on the show, Meghan reveals that she doesn't want to get involved. According to a new report, Meghan King Edmonds is now revealing that her co-stars just want some answers.

People just want answers

Because of the past experiences with cancer, Meghan's co-stars just want to hear a clear story. But Peggy's description of what she's gone through doesn't make sense. While Shannon was convinced that she didn't have cancer, Peggy revealed that the doctors did find cancer. Her story was confusing but her husband didn't make it any better.

"It looks like David’s conversation with Diko about Peggy's mastectomy went the same as our conversation with Peggy at Farmhouse. So confusing. David wasn’t interrogating Diko about Peggy’s cancer – Diko was the one who brought it up! David was trying to communicate with Diko and follow the story but got confused like the rest of us," Meghan King Edmonds explains in her blog after David directly asked Diko about his wife's cancer situation.

The past with cancer stories

It sounds like Meghan and her co-stars just want to act appropriately. If Peggy did have cancer, they would want to give her the right response. But when Peggy and her husband mix up the story about her diagnosis and her journey with her mastectomy, King Edmonds' co-stars are confused. Perhaps they are all skeptical based on what they went through with Brooks Ayers.

They just want some answers and Peggy is defensive about her health.

What do you think about Meghan King Edmonds' request that her co-stars just want some clear answers? Do you understand why they are all so skeptical given everything they have gone through with Brooks?