Netflix recently dropped the new trailer of “Bojack Horseman” Season 4 along with the revelation of its release date. It is also set to have a new theme song that will be performed by Michelle Branch and the Black Keys drummer Patrick Carney.
Branch and Carney sing their own rendition of the 1971 hit song “A Horse with No Name” by America. The two gave the classic song a new twist that viewers and music lovers will definitely love.
A new theme song
Michelle Branch and Patrick Carney included percussion and replaced the tremolo guitar with the signature acoustic guitar to give “A Horse with No Name" a different kind of twist.
Of course, the harmony of their voices added a new flavor to the song. The track is set to be released on Sept. 8 on Lakeshore Records, the independent music division of Lakeshore Entertainment.
Aside from America’s greatest hit, “BoJack Horseman” Season 4 will also feature Carney’s original song, "BoJack Theme." Also, other materials from Nina Simone, Oberhofer, Grouplove, and the song composer Jesse Novak will be included.
In a statement obtained by Rolling Stone, Carney described the animated series as a “unique and trail blazing” program. He is even a fan of it, thus he is proud to be working for the show as one of its artists. He went on to say that it is his life-long dream to write an original song for the animated horse that “drinks too much and is constantly struggling with depression."
A new trailer revealed
Aside from the new theme song, Netflix dropped the official trailer of “BoJack Horseman” Season 4.
The teaser hinted to fans what the upcoming season has to offer, although it looks like it is missing a very important character.
The clip just gave a brief glimpse of the horse himself at the end of the video. As everyone is questioning his whereabouts, he seems to be in a deserted place in front of a dilapidated cabin while he is listening to Diane’s voice mail inside his pulled up convertible car.
Although more than a year has passed, the animated series’ fourth season will continue where it exactly left off.
Mr. Peanutbutter is now running as California’s governor while Diane is now writing for a women’s website. Princess Carolyn is still trying her best to pull herself together and Todd continues to show his epic adventures.
There is even a new character joining the program’s family. However, she looks a little suspicious as she has BoJack’s looks. “BoJack Horseman” Season 4’s 13 episodes will be dropped on Sept. 8 on Netflix.