"Big Brother 19" spoilers from Thursday (July 6) give an updated eviction vote tally. The "BB19" cast is about to have its first real Eviction Ceremony of the summer showcased live on CBS and soon after that Cody Nickson will get replaced as the Head of Household. It's going to be an exciting episode, with quite a few "Big Brother 19" spoilers finally getting confirmed for the CBS audience.
The two nominees for eviction are Jillian Parker and Christmas Abbott, with both women falling victim to the gameplay of Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf. The Cody and Jessica showmance has dominated a large part of the game so far this season, directly impacting nearly everything that has gone on inside the "BB19" house.
It shouldn't be surprising to any fans that they will continue to be at the center of "Big Brother 19" spoilers this next week as well.
Who gets evicted on "Big Brother 19"?
If the votes stay true to what the "BB19" houseguests are saying on the live feeds, then it will be Jillian Parker who gets evicted at the Thursday night ceremony. The vote will either be 7-5 or 8-4 in favor of keeping Christmas Abbott, depending on how Kevin Schlehuber decides to vote. He has been impossible to peg down so far, but he also won't be a swing vote that can change the outcome to save Jillian at this point.
Cody Nickson and Jessica Graf had been working hard to get Christmas Abbott out of the "BB19" house as soon as possible, but these new "Big Brother 19" spoilers indicate that their plan has failed.
Instead, they have angered several other houseguests, including Paul Abrahamian, who will now be working hard to get them out of the house next. Cody and Jessica could quickly get nominated if they don't win the next HOH competition.
More spoilers: What about the injured houseguest?
Christmas Abbott has two broken bones in her foot after suffering the injury playing around with Jason Dent.
She has decided to remain in the game, but previous "Big Brother 19" spoilers state that production isn't going to give her any advantages. This could mean that she is unable to compete in any of the physical competitions, putting Christmas at risk of going home next. As for now, she appears to be safe inside the "BB19" house.
The July 6 episode of the show begins at 9 p.m. PT/ET on CBS and it is going to be packed with intrigue. A lot of footage is going to be shown that covers Paul Abrahamian and how he reacted to getting nominated at the Veto Ceremony. He was saved by the Pendant of Protection but has deemed Cory Nickson to be his No. 1 target in the "BB19" house now. Fans shouldn't be surprised if the next round of "Big Brother 19" spoilers have Paul nominating Cody for eviction.