Hey, "Prison Break" fans. We've got a new, sneak peek clip (below) for you guys. It gives us a glimpse at some spoiler scenes that will be taking place in the big season 5 finale. A couple of people are spotted pointing guns at some point which is extremely intense. Sara is spotted beating the crap out of someone. T-Bag is seen yelling like everything is completely over for him, and so much more. The episode is labeled: "Behind The Eyes."
Extremely bad shape
The new clip starts out showing us new scenes with Michael. Then we're shown a glimpse of Lincoln in extremely bad shape while getting rushed to the emergency room on a hospital bed.
We also see Michael in this scene as he's right by his partner's side. It looks pretty intense and suspenseful. Will Lincoln make it out of this situation alive? Or will we be seeing the last of him? Those are the burning questions for this particular scene and storyline. We're pretty sure that he'll probably survive but they're not going to give us that without giving us a whole bunch of drama first. You can bet on that.
Next, we see a scene that involves Jacob on the phone. He's seen saying: "I'm going to find out, once and for all, what you were really planning and then I'm going to kill you." So whoever is on the receiving end of that phone call will definitely want to watch their back because it appears that Jacob means business.
Who is Jacob talking to in that scene? Will he be able to back up his heavy threat?
Brutal fight scene
From there, we're shown a very brutal fight scene that features a woman beating some very unlucky person. I think it might be Sara that's doing the beating, but I couldn't really get a clear look at her face in this clip to be absolutely sure.
Whatever the case, that's definitely going to be a very violent and drama-filled scene to look forward to. There's no doubt about that.
Next, we get another look at Michael on a phone call. He's seen telling whoever it is on the other end of the line that he can't be held responsible for what happens next. What is going to happen next?
Will it be bad? Unfortunately, they didn't reveal that in this clip but it certainly sounds quite intriguing, to say the least.
You're not holding the cards
Moving on from that scene, Sara is seen in action signaling to a young boy to stay quiet. Right after that, we're shown another scene with Michael. He's spotted telling someone: "You're not holding the cards. I am." From there, they really let loose with a couple of very intense scenes. One of them features Michael pointing a gun at someone, telling them to let someone go. Then, Sara is spotted caught up in a very sticky situation when a gun gets pointed at her face at point-blank range.
T-Bag screaming
Finally, the clip caps off with a new look at Jacob running into a place and firing off his gun at someone.
Then, T-Bag is seen screaming at the top of his lungs. We can't wait to see how all of this is going to play out. Be sure to check out the new clip below. The finale episode is set to hit the airwaves on Tuesday night, May 30th, 2017. Stay tuned.