Mark Heidelberger is a freelance movie producer who is currently anticipating the release of a film called “Comfort” that chronicles a Chinese-American romance. Mark has previously worked on docu-dramas and independent films in a variety of genres. He recently discussed his career and his plans for his future showbusiness endeavors:
Blasting News (BN): What mainly inspired you to become a Producer?
Mark Heidelberger (MH): I knew I wanted to work in Movies since I was about seven years old. I was influenced by the big studio films of the 80’s like “Ghostbusters,” “Back to the Future,” “Karate Kid” and “Beverly Hills Cop.” As a teenager, ran around my neighborhood with a giant VHS camcorder making movies with friends.
After college, I moved to Los Angeles and an old UCSB buddy approached me to help make low budget music videos. I found that I was good at making the key decisions that shaped a project and enjoyed being part of a project from beginning to end. I ran Treasure Entertainment until I went freelance in 2011.
BN: Which genres are your favorites to work with and why?
MH: Telling a good story transcends the boundaries of genre. I have produced features in nearly every genre – drama, comedy, romance, action, horror, thriller, family. As long as it’s got interesting characters and real conflict then it’s got potential.
BN: How did you get involved in “Comfort”? How can you describe it?
MH: I was introduced to writer-director William Lu by a mutual friend, Erik Martinez.
A financier had already committed to backing “Comfort” up to a certain cost, but no one had run any numbers. I met with Will and showed him how we could do it. He asked me to produce and the rest is history. The story is about two very different people with struggles who find comfort in one another over two nights when their lives briefly intersect.
Cameron is stuck in a safe but monotonous late night courier job and is afraid to break out of that. Jasmine is an independent spirit who just can’t seem to communicate with her father about what she wants. Cameron and Jasmine (played amazingly by our stars Chris Dinh and Julie Zhan) have a natural chemistry and help change each other for the better in the story while romance blossoms and late night comfort-food is devoured.
BN: What were your main responsibilities on the flick?
MH: I managed all business-related aspects of the production and ensured the financier was happy. I gave story notes, assisted with casting, dealt with legal or contractual matters, guided the production process, handled marketing, publicity, film festivals, and found distribution for the film. I was also responsible for keeping the film on schedule and on budget, hiring the key crew members, selecting vendors and managing the set day to day. I oversaw editing, sound, visual effects, music and color correction. And as the “business man,” I was the guy toward the beginning of the film signing for the passport!
BN: Do you have any upcoming projects that you’re super excited about?
MH: A psychological horror flick called “The Basement,” a Chinese new media series called “The Offer,” a movie titled “Pray for Rain,” a darkly comic sci-fi film titled “Strand” and a now-untitled found footage horror-thriller to shoot in Tennessee. I’m also in development on several projects, including one called “Walking on Palmetto” about real life smuggler Myles Richards, which I’ll be producing with Ed Asner.
BN: What advice would you give to someone who is aspiring to enter the film industry, especially as a producer?
MH: This business is tough. Walls have been constructed to keep people out. That’s why so many people move out here to give Hollywood a shot and then move home within two years.
You must love being a storyteller. If you don’t know what you love about what you’re doing, then it’s probably not the right job for you. Like my grandpa told me when I was a little kid, “if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.”