Hey, General Hospital folks. It's another beautiful weekend, which means I've got some new Monday January 9th, 2017 episode spoiler teasers to drop on you straight from our TV Guide sources. It doesn't stop there. We also got a preview/spoiler clip (below) for you to check out, so sit tight, because it's on today. These scoops sound quite interesting as Alexis is going to have a major problem with her faulty memory. We'll see Scott get an earful of info from a version of Franco that's totally opening up, and more.
Her mind is playing tricks on her
To start things off, we've got this Alexis storyline that will be playing out. Apparently, she's going to do something that requires a tip-top memory to complete, and it sounds like she's going to fail at this task, because they tell us that her memory is going to end up, totally betraying her. This is, most likely due to her ongoing issues with alcohol abuse and what not. We've got another source, elaborating that her mind will start to play tricks on her, in particular, with issues surrounding the events of last Christmas Eve.
He reveals all
Next, we learn that Scott is going to be the one that has some major trust built up with his son, Franco, as he will totally open up to him as they describe.
We've got another source, telling us that he's going to ask Scott for help, and that they will eventually start working together to find out what the truth really is, so that should serve up a very intriguing storyline.
Just give him another shot
In our last, written plotline teaser, we've got a scene that also shows up in the clip.
It involves a Laura and Liz conversation. During this chit chat, Liz is spotted ,getting a sort of pep talk about how everyone deserves a second chance. Our written stuff says that it's about loving men with a dark side, so she's definitely talking to her about all the issues that are going down with Franco. Will she heed Laura's advice, or just decide she's too damn fed up with him?
Those will be the burning questions that I hope they answer ASAP.
In the clip, we see a lot of important questions getting asked by various characters, along with some really intense confrontations. We also see some very significant statements that get made, and more. Be sure to take a look at it, below, and stay tuned.