An article in "Christianity Today," dated July 6, addresses an interesting aspect of the modern Christian Church. It discusses ministries that are run just like Corporate America. In these churches, there are harsh rules and emphasis on the vision of the pastor over what Christ said in the Bible. I have experienced this first hand.
When the church is run like a corporation
About 12 years ago, I was sitting in a Wednesday night church service. As I looked around I noticed a lack of male leaders in the building. Deacons, Trustees, ministers, elders etc.
who were men did not come as regular to mid-week service as did their female counterparts. At home, I told my husband that this particular church was set up like corporate America. I told him if male leaders did not start coming on Wednesday, we would have to call in with an excuse just like on a job.
Two weeks later, it was announced on a Wednesday night that from that point leaders must be accountable and call the church office when unable to attend a Sunday service, Wednesday nights or leadership meetings. Later on, leaders were told they could not retain a position if they did not attend at east one hour of Corporate Intercessory prayer A number of leaders stepped down from their positions and some even left the church because it began to feel like a harsh work environment rather than a gathering of believers.
A church should flow as Christ outlined in his word
The "Christianity Today" article stated that it is a bad idea to run a church like a business. The author Karl Vaders said the church does not belong to the members or the pastors but to Christ. He believes churches should flow based on what is written in the bible and there should not be an emphasis on the vision of the pastor.
Many would disagree saying that someone needs to have a vision and there must be rules and order because there are people in the church.
There can be rules and orders set without one individual who is solely responsible for every decision. In these types of churches, the pastor as the founder tells the members what he believes God has spoken to him regarding the ministry.
Members do not get a say-so and are told to believe the pastor hears God or leave. Church members are reduced to sitting in the seats every time the door is opened giving their tithes and offerings but having no say whatsoever.
Vader's says it makes sense in the business world to create, cast it and hold employees to the business owners vision. He points out that as Christ is founder and visionary of His church no one person not even pastors should try to run a church. He adds that believers even pastors should stick with the vision Christ had for His church and no one should run with their own,