More than a dozen Democrats wanted to compete against Donald Trump and deny him a second term in the White House. There appeared to have been a feeling among a section of them that it would be easy to get nominated. Possibly, they under-estimated the power of debates that decide the future. In order to get the final nomination, they had to participate in open debates and the number of hopefuls kept reducing.
As things stand right now, a survey carried out by Hill-HarrisX indicates the top five contenders as Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, and Pete Buttigieg.
Daily Mail UK provides a brief about these top five. Joe Biden is the former vice president, and Senator Bernie Sanders is the independent from Vermont. Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren is a Senator from Massachusetts, Michael Bloomberg is the billionaire former mayor of New York City, and Pete Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
The base of this ranking is the percentage of backing of Democrat voters as on the date of the survey.
These are 28, 16, 11, 11, and 6 respectively. As is evident, both Michael Bloomberg and Senator Elizabeth Warren occupy third place in the race.
Senator Elizabeth Warren is the only woman of the five
The Hill-HarrisX poll, conducted in late December, revealed that 12 percent of Democratic voters have yet to make up their minds on who they will support. Some of the lower-tier candidates hope to improve their standing but the gap is too large. Michael Bloomberg entered the race late and depends on his financial power. He is funding his own campaign that does not allow him to participate in any of the Democratic debates. Forbes pegged his worth at $56.7billion.
Daily Mail UK gives a peep into fundraising drives by others.
Bernie Sanders revealed he raised more than $34.5million in the quarter. It proved that his health issue in October did not slow the momentum of fundraising. Both he and Elizabeth Warren depend largely on small contributions from donors most of which come online.
Joe Biden brought in $22.7million, while Pete Buttigieg raised $24.7million.
Another study puts Elizabeth Warren in the top five
The Iowa caucuses are hardly one month away and CNN has released a list of five top contenders. This is as of January 2 and will be reviewed and recast every two weeks. As of now, the top five are Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, and Pete Buttigieg. According to CNN, chances of Joe Biden, the former vice president, for the nomination are bright.
He has many positives but losses in Iowa and New Hampshire could make him uncomfortable.
Bernie Sanders follows Biden and has good online support with fundraising and his campaign is gaining momentum but he cannot take things for granted. As for Elizabeth Warren, she appears in this list of top five as well. She has the best organization in Iowa and is competitive in New Hampshire. If she wins these, she could hope to be the 46th president of the United States.