Garfield | Daily Comic Strip on September 12th, 2016 -
Garfield | Daily Comic Strip on May 11th, 2016 -
Garfield | Daily Comic Strip on December 24th, 2016 -
Garfield | Daily Comic Strip on April 21st, 2016 -
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Photogallery - It's a boy: Garfield's creator clarifies lazy cat's gender

Jim Davis, Garfield's creator, told the Mental Floss in an article, “Dealing with eating and sleeping, being a cat, Garfield is very universal. By virtue of being a cat, really, he’s not really male or female or any particular race or nationality, young or old. It gives me a lot more latitude for the humor for the situations.” This statement spun an edit war in Wikipedia - a satirist called Virgil Texas changed the cat's gender to None on Garfield's Wikipedia entry in February. Now the entry reads "Male". 

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