Okja’ tells the story of a genetically-engineered “super pig,” created to solve world hunger. While the plot sounds strange, the movie was directed by Bong Joon-ho (“Snowpiercer” and “The Host”) and has a host of strong actors, including Jake Gyllenhaal, Paul Dano and Tilda Swinton. However, this was the first Netflix movie to ever be shown at the Cannes Film Festival and it received a chorus of loud boos.

Animal activists rescue the super pig in 'Okja'

As GQ notes, the story sounds both interesting and heartwarming, where animal activists team together to free the super pig, with Paul Dano as the lead activist.

The pig, with the titular name Okja, weighs six tons and was created to solve world hunger – in other words, bigger pig, more meat. However a young farm girl in South Korea has loved Okja the pig for ten years and wants to save her pet from corporate interests.

The story follows Mija as she takes great risks to kidnap the giant pig, along with help from animal activists. Swinton is the baddy in the film, playing the role of the CEO of the Mirando Corporation who cares more about the bottom line than the cute (if a little large) animal. Korean actress Seohyan An plays the role of Okja's protector, while Dano leads the animal activists in helping the young girl. Gyllenhaal is a zoologist, also involved in saving Okja.

Familiar faces in Netflix film ‘Okja’

Besides Gyllenhaal, Dano and Swinton, other familiar faces in the film "Okja" include Steven Yeun (whose character was recently killed in “The Walking Dead”), along with Devon Bostick, Lily Collins and Byun Heebong.

The movie was shot in various locations in the U.S., Korea and Canada, while the special visual effects were courtesy Erik-Jan De Boer (responsible for the incredible film “Life of Pi”). The film is backed by both Netflix and Plan B Entertainment and reportedly cost $50 million to make.

The Hollywood Reporter interviewed Joon Ho about the Netflix film and was asked how he would describe the giant pig Okja.

He told them the giant animal is similar to a manatee, but is also a mixture of pig, elephant and hippo adding that the animal is “super kind” and a "gentle giant."

A chorus of boos at Cannes for Netflix and ‘Okja’

Vanity Fair reports that despite its strong cast and great director, when the film was revealed at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday, as soon as the Netflix credit showed up on the screen loud boos ensued -- admittedly along with some hearty cheers. What didn’t help was the fact that the framing was a little off during the first few minutes, leading to even more boos. The film was started again from scratch. However the main reason for the jeers from the audience was the fact that “Okja” won’t get screened in French theaters.

This is a change from the normal rules of the popular film festival and that fact didn’t get a good reception.

The Netflix film did, however, receive a four-minute standing ovation as the closing titles appeared.

And judging by Twitter, many adored the new Netflix film:

On viewing the trailer below, it certainly seems it will attract far more cheers than 'boos' and the much anticipated film "Okja" is set to launch on Netflix on June 28.