Hey, Leos! It’s another Friday! For such a strong-minded soul, it says you were born between July 23 and August 22, and therefore, your “animal instinct” is always working for you. Today’s horoscope looks at joy and romance. So let’s see what the stars think about your day.

What to expect

Today, Leo, you could be in a situation in which you have to make a decision about a relationship. Perhaps old demons are out of the closet once again to haunt you about your freedom, and now, you have doubts.

When it comes to your love life, Leo, the Moon in Aquarius is bound to have a positive impact on you.

You are most likely to meet someone special today when you least expect it. Don't be surprised that you share a lot of things in common with this person. This relationship is looking good in the future -- it just might develop into a reliable one, and one of the strongest ones you've ever had.

Leo, you have an interesting motto: "Let the good times roll," and when other people see how well you're doing with it, they always want to join in on the fun. Isn't that convenient? Luckily, for the time being, "The more, the merrier" happens to be your backup motto. If you're feeling like you have been so happy lately that you better buckle down and get some work done, don't do it, Leo. Guess what -- those in your circle are happy for you and hoping that you will cut yourself some slack before you burden yourself with extra responsibilities.

That means you can decline overtime without anyone having a problem with it. Enjoy. You've earned it, in more ways than one.

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Leo, if you have any doubts about yourself, don't let yourself believe them. Take some time to go out and have all the fun you want, meet new people and socialize -- you deserve this!

Gold is your lucky color for today, Leo. You'll be a step away from total relaxation. Pastimes and vacations, even out of town with friends. If you don't have time for this, devote yourself to cooking. Tonight, if you want to have a romantic interlude with a new acquaintance, you'll have to arm yourself with courage. Forget indecision and just go for it.

For the older Leo, some beneficial influences will lead to more intensity. Think carefully before throwing yourself into a relationship that's becoming too serious.

Well, that’s it for today’s daily horoscope for Leo. Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for another reading tomorrow.