In the wake of #Bill O'Reilly's Sexual Harassment settlements coming to light, all ears were open to Fox's parent company 21St Century Fox on Sunday to hear what they had to say about the matter. Their response was the typical sorry-not-sorry sort of gawp.

So let's break it down:

The introduction

Firstly they start by saying that the company takes such issues seriously. Then they claim that nobody in the company ever used a #21st Century Hotline to complain about any harassment, which in itself has a sort of victim shaming edge to it.

Then the statement details how the company did look into the issue and discuss it with #O'Reilly.

But here's the kicker: at this point in the statement they pass the ball to O'Reilly and claim that he himself denies the merits of the claims. They then go on to say that even though he denies the claims, he has done the responsible thing and taken matters into his own hands, as a matter of 'personal responsibility.'

And if any more vinegar is needed to rub in the wound of hundreds of women who have been in these circumstances, they claim that O'Reilly is working hard to improve the environment at his show.

In one fell swoop #21st Century Fox demean sexual harassment by making it sound like in-office feng shui. Women deserve better treatment, and the Bill O'Reilly's of the world do not deserve to buy their ways out of prohibited behavior.