Apparently some college kids are so traumatized over Donald Trump becoming the new president that safe zones have been developed at various colleges across the nation. These crying rooms are set-up like preschool cozy places and they offer coloring and Play-Doh for these college students suffering greatly over Donald Trump taking the helm of the nation.

Pony rides and coloring for traumatized students?

According to "Fox and Friends" on Wednesday morning, one college even rented a pony to help get these kids through this trying time. Some colleges canceled classes last week after Trump was elected president and one professor from a New Haven college made midterms "optional" over Trump's win.

This happened at Yale University, which is an Ivy League institution. Check out the tweet below, which is causing jaws to drop across the nation.


Then there was a mass "cry-in" for the students at Cornell, as seen below. Tissues were optional at this venue as adults actually coddled the students who were in various stages of fear and sadness over a Donald Trump presidency. Have you heard enough yet?

'Fox and Friends'

Fox and Friends" did a segment on the trauma college kids are supposedly experiencing over this election.

The fact that this is happening across the nation at these higher learning institutions is much scarier than if they named a Golden Retriever as president. What are we doing to the next generation? Are they going to expect "crying rooms" in their place of employment for when they are called out on the carpet by their boss?

Nightmare for future employers

What is it going to look like the first time these college kids are out in the real world and their boss yells at one of them? Can you imagine their panic when they realize there's no pony in the next room that they can stroke to make them feel better? If they have an argument with their co-worker will they have to go home because their employer didn't supply a room for coloring or play-doh?

College kids are getting ready for the real world, but they won't find crying rooms out there.

Creating the tissue generation?

Employers should factor in a boat load of tissues for their future employees because this sounds like a generation of tissue users are about to come out of the nation's colleges. They'll need something to dry their tears when things don't go their way! This is a recipe for disaster and if these colleges are going to prepare these kids for the real world using these strategies, then the next generation of workers are going to be a nightmare for their future employers.