On Thursday, December 7, protesters gathered in front of Verizon stores and congressional offices across the nation to protest the Federal Communications Commission's, or FCC's, Net Neutrality repeal. The protests took place in front of over 500 Verizon stores for two reasons. The first is that Verizon is a supporter of the repeal, and their companies stores are spread across the nation, which makes it a place everyone can protest at together. The second reason is Ajit Pai, the chairman of the FCC, who worked for Verizon before he was appointed by Trump.

Some protesters, including Mignon Clyburn, the Democratic FCC Commissioner, also stood outside the annual FCC chairman's dinner in Washington, D.C.

Several U.S. Mayors have added their voice to the protests

CNET report that on the same day, almost five dozen U.S. mayors added their name to a bipartisan Open Letter to the FCC, asking them not to go through with the repeal. The letter stated that the loss of net neutrality could imbalance the economy, cripple the education system, and risk the government services that occur online. The letter also points out that the FCC's repeal will encroach on state rights by keeping local governments from creating any laws related to broadband services.

While the FCC is not interested in public opinion, Congress may be swayed

So far it seems like these protests won't have an effect. The chairman, Mr. Pai, and two other Republicans have already stated plans to vote for the repeal. This would create a 3-2 vote, which would be enough to pass it. However, there are several nonprofit organizations, including Fight for the Future, Free Press, and Demand Progress, that are not willing to give up yet.

Instead of changing the opinion of the FCC, which seems to already be decided, they are hoping to influence their Congress members. Congress oversees the FCC and could put more pressure on them than the public could. Alternatively, Congress could pass a bill protecting net neutrality, which the FCC would not be able to overturn.

To this end, Fight for the Future has created sites and tools that help people email or make calls to Congress, and send messages to the FCC. They also put billboards up in the districts of three Republican House claiming that each of them was supporting the repeal because they'd been paid off. Despite the small chance of success, they are still planning another protest this Saturday.