It seems that President Trump doesn't need any political experience or even care for the Democratic process. This is clear as he continues to push forward against Congress with his agenda to get things done. With the recent failure by Senate Republicans to repeal and/or replace Obamacare -- otherwise known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) -- no one was quite sure as to what the President's next steps would be. Certainly, the call to keep trying to kill the health care law would naturally be his response.

But allowing the Republicans in Congress to concede defeat and submit to regular order on behalf of the American people is clearly not an option.

It's already been the view that the President has the option to send the ACA into a death spiral by himself. But it is also clear that he is not held to the boundaries of moral conduct to prevent him from sabotaging the current health care law. It wasn't until Saturday when he made Americans aware that he knew about his options and that he was ready to test Capitol Hill with those options.

Trump White House is unstoppable against killing Obamacare

Prior to his tweet, according to Politico's article titled: "As Trump steams, Senate Republicans consider new repeal effort," three Senate Republicans met with President Trump at the White House to try and come up with new legislation that would get 50 votes.

Last week's failure to repeal the ACA is part of a two week stretch of defeats for Senate Republicans. On July 19, the President also had Senate leadership at the White House where he told them not to quit. Despite the saga of defeats, President Trump is persistent in wanting to end Obamacare no matter what the cost is.

At the very least, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reluctantly attempted to bring up another vote, this time for a 2015 repeal bill last Tuesday.

That effort last Tuesday resulted in the creation of a "skinny-repeal" bill which ended up failing on Thursday. Already, it is quite apparent that President Trump has the benefit of caring for how Congress is supposed to work as he blames their legislative process. More lawmakers have started to take the view, as Trump has, that the work Congress goes through to pass bills has only gotten in the way.

Republicans are trying again

For instance, it's been reported that the White House not only hates the Congressional Budget Office, (CBO) but also wants lawmakers to ignore that office. CBO is relied on by moderate lawmakers to score bills. With those scores, lawmakers have a better idea as to the impact those bills will have on their constituents. But Rep. H. Morgan Griffith (R-Va.) tried to pass a bill last week that would try to weaken the CBO, but it failed to gain momentum last week. Over the past week, the President also hinted at wanting to get rid of his attorney general Jeff Sessions.

The suggestion got the response of one of the more outspoken Senate Republicans, Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

Graham said that if the President were to fire Jeff Sessions, that there would be "holy hell to pay." Ironically enough, the Politico article referred to Sen. Graham as one of the lawmakers who met with President Trump on Friday. Sen. Graham is currently proposing that Congress block federal grants to the states in order to weaken the ACA.