The Republican Party didn’t stand in the way of progress like the Democrats have the past 100 days. The “libtards” as many “deplorables” have called them have impeded every move President Trump has made since he took office. If only the Republicans would have stood against Obama’s moves we wouldn’t have incurred the nearly 200% increase in health care costs that Obamacare brought upon American citizens. As it is it happened that Christmas Eve when Nancy Pelosi said, “You don’t have to read what’s in it just pass it and read it later” the unspeakable, unconstitutional act cost us immensely.

Supreme Court delay

During his administration, President Obama made two successful appointments to the Supreme Court. Judge Sonia Sotomayor was the first appointment to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Justice David H. Souter. Sotomayor was quickly confirmed by the United States Senate on August 6, 2009, by a vote of 68–31. Solicitor General Elena Kagan was the second Obama appointment to replace the retired John Paul Stevens. The United States Senate then confirmed Kagan on August 5, 2010, by a vote of 63–37. These two candidates were not grilled by the press as Judge Neil Gorsuch has, (so much, in fact, he has to be “well done” by now) and has revealed himself to be the most worthy of the position ever.

Paul’s optimistic about ObamaCare repeal

After a golf outing Sunday with President Trump, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a top conservative critic of Ryancare, said party members are “getting closer” on a compromise plan that he’s “very optimistic” about. That should make President Trump happy because Ryancare was nothing but Obamacare under a different name tag.

Consumer costs and burdens remained the same. Conservative Republicans and conservatives knew “Ryancare” was worthless.

Members of Congress have memories like elephants, except for those minds that have ceased working. The Republicans and Democrats that felt opposition from their colleagues on President Trumps plans will have a lot of cards to play against them in the upcoming years. In essence, the liberal members will be paying dearly in the very near future for mere delays today.