With hours to go before the midnight deadline, a federal judge in Hawaii blocked President Donald Trump's so-called Muslim travel ban on immigrants and refugees. Critics applauded the ruling and said the White House's second ban on migrant travel into the country is likely based on religious discrimination.

Strike two!

According to a live breaking news broadcast, CNN reported that Donald Trump's travel ban suffered another sting when United States District Court Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii blocked his second attempt. Some posited that a ruling would come at the last minute, but the judge blocked the new travel ban Wednesday afternoon.

According to a Trump aide, the Republican president was informed of the court's ruling and plans a response soon. On the broader merits of the ban, the court considered if the president's proposed travel restrictions were constitutional. Two other judges from other federal jurisdictions have still yet to rule. However, judicial experts say the Hawaii court's ruling will likely override subsequent dispositions.

Still 'unconstitutional'

The White House took over 30 days to restructure the president's executive order after it came under fire from both sides of the aisle and multiple courts froze implementation. The revisions in the new declaration amended the Muslim countries targeted: Iraq was removed from the list.

Moreover, individuals holding lawful visas and green cards were exempt. Finally, it also nixed a provision that gave priority to targeted religious groups.

Today, the president is traveling in Tennessee where he is holding rally to uphold a key campaign promise: to appeal and replace Obamacare. For more than a year, Trump fired up his base on providing an alternative to the Affordable Care Act.

Currently, plans for a new and improved healthcare bill are stalled in the House of Representatives and is being criticized by both sides in the Senate.

Trump reportedly likely has three options: appeal Judge Watson's decree to the 9th Circuit, file a third travel ban, or abandon his quest on immigration. It's unclear what direction Trump's effort to keep America safe will take. However, many suggest the latter of the three options is not likely.