Heading into the Indiana primary, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz needed a big night to prolong his presidential campaign. After losing yet again at the hands of front runner Donald Trump, Cruz decided to drop out of the race.

Cruz and Heidi

With only 565 delegates to his name, Cruz has been on the losing end of multiple primary races over the last two weeks in the North East. Starting with New York and ending with five primaries last Tuesday, Cruz's campaign was all but done heading into Indiana Tuesday night. When the results were announced and it was clear that Cruz was defeated again, the senator from the Lone Star State threw in the towel and did so with an elbow to his wife's face.

Cruz hugged his wife Heidi as the campaign came to a close. When he pulled back from his wife and went to embrace his father, Cruz, with his clenched fist, accidentally punched his wife in the face, and followed it with two elbow shots to her cheek. Cruz's shot to Heidi's face was of course not done on purpose, but the incident quickly went viral on the internet.

"Promptly after dropping out of the race, Ted Cruz elbowed his wife in the head. #freeHeidi" one Tweet read, followed by another stating, "And poor Heidi Cruz takes the loss harder than anyone - in the face." Ted Cruz accidentally punches, elbows his wife in the face after dropping out of the GOP race," GIF The News tweeted out.

Current presidential race

Trump's win in Indiana all but wrapped up the nomination process. Shortly after the results came in, Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Priebus tweetedout, saying "@realDonaldTrump will be presumptive @GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton."

Despite her loss to Vermont Sen.

Bernie Sanders in the Indiana primary for the Democrats, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has built such large lead, she's expected to become the party's nominee. According to Real Clear Politics most recent rolling average, Clinton holds a solid lead over Trump, 49 percent to 40.5 percent.