With the latest "Pokemon Go" Update niantic labs have figured out a way to stop people from using cheats. A few months after "Pokemon Go" was launched, people had found ways to get ahead in the game by using unofficial applications. One famous technique that is used to catch Pokemons is by changing the location or power scanners.

There is a huge list of cheat codes that could be used to progress in the game, the main objective is to catch new Pokemons as much as possible. Niantic Labs are now taking action to fix the issues with their latest "Pokemon Go" update.

Players who are suspected cheating are Shadowbanned!

Most of the players who are found cheating will be Shadowbanned with the latest update. The gaming giant has come up with an option to trap all cheating players with useless Pokemon. Those who are found using other software's like the "Pokemon Go cheat app" will just end up with a list of Pokemon monsters like Pidgey.

According to Engadget, Niantic Labs have promised to make sure they will track down these issues and ensure the game is fair to all its players. Recently, they have found a huge number of players using uncertified applications. As a gaming company, it is not right for them to stop cheating players from using the app. Hence, they brought this new system to make sure those who use cheat codes will face difficulties in the game.

Niantic Labs launches new game 'Magikarp Jump'

The other good news that came along with the "Pokemon Go' update is the latest game "Magikarp Jump." Unlike Pokemon, this game is all about training "Magikarp" to jump around. The game application managed to get a huge number of downloads the moment it was launched. It is called as an "idle game" and it does not involve too much gameplay.

There is a vast difference between "Pokemon Go" and "Magikarp Jump." Niantic Labs released "Pokemon Go" with the objective to get players involved with the game in real life by moving around. The concept has been a huge success for the company, but it also has its limitations. Players are not able to do anything when they do not move.

Niantic Labs is sure to create more games like "Pokemon Go" and "Magikarp Jump." In 2012, the company also released the game "Ingress." It was initially released on Android devices and later on, it arrived on IOS platforms. Ingress is an augmented reality game, but it is not as famous as "Pokemon Go." Some reports state that the company is planning to release "Endgame Proving Ground" a game that was developed but not released by Niantic Labs.