September is when the fall season begins, leaves change color and the feeling of autumn is in the air. There are also little-known facts and fascinating oddities associated with the ninth month of the year. The curious truths related to this time of the year may surprise you.

The origin of the month of September

The name September actually means septum or seven in Latin and was the seventh month of the year on the Roman calendar. If the Roman Senate had been successful the ninth month of the year may have been called Tiberius, Agustus or Antonius in honor of Roman Emperors.

The Roman calendar had only 10 months and the first six had the following names: Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, and Sextilis. The final four had names we recognize them by now; September, October, November, and December.

Another curious fact about September is that Julius Ceasar wanted to change the name several times but it remains to this day. In 45 A.D.Ceasar introduced the Julian calendar and at this point, January and February were added to make the 10 months 12. At this time all the names were changed to the 12 that have continued to be used to this very day.

Famous dates in the ninth month of the year

Labor Day is not the only important date during the ninth month of the year.

There are other memorable events that have taken place in September. On the third, the book "The Wizard of Oz" was published, and the movie that came later continues to be a classic which is enjoyed by many generations even to this day. On the ninth, in1776 the name United States of America came into being and on the 13th we celebrate the International chocolate day.

September 19th, 1928 is the date when our favorite rodent Mickey Mouse made his debut. His first short was entitled Steamboat WIllie and initially, he was going to be called Mortimer Mouse but rumor has it Walt Disney's wife did not like the name.

Michaelmas Day is on the 29th of September and this observance truly has fascinating and odd facts surrounding it.This celebration is in recognition of Michael the archangel who kicked Lucifer out of heaven.

It marks the end the harvest season and used to signal the beginning of the winter and a curfew. From Michaelmas until March a bell would toll at 9:00 p.m. indicating it was time to put out all household fires. Michaelmas also as known as Goose Day because it was said that Queen Elizabeth was eating goose when the news of the battle of Armada was given to her. These are but a few of the little-known facts that are related to the ninth month of the year.